Phoenix Voyages supports an agroforestry project in Vietnam

Phoenix Voyages supports La Vie Vu Linh and its sustainable development project in the heart of Vietnam. The first renovation of the hen house in the middle of series of actions around agroforestry has just been carried out with the help of the inhabitants of Ngoi Tu! Discover this project....

Recently, Phoenix Voyages has made a commitment to support the community tourism development project "La Vie Vu Linh". This eco-lodge farm, located in the village of Ngoi Tu, 170km northwest of Hanoi, is situated in an area inhabited by ethnic minorities.

The long-term goal is to provide these minorities with better living conditions and more generally, to contribute to the economic development of Yen Bai Province. With a view of community development and eco-responsible tourism, “La Vie Vu Linh” has initiated related projects around the 3 themes of Education, environmental protection and the preservation of local culture.

The Phoenix Voyages Foundation supports the environmental protection sector through its financial aid for the agroforestry project. The region in which the organization is located is a mono-crop region (eucalyptus and cassava plantations) defined as highly harmful to the soil and the environment, in general. Therefore, “La Vie Vu Linh” has developed an agroforestry project where diverse plant and animal species allows a great interaction between them and thus, greatly reduces the use of chemical inputs (fertilizers and insecticides). The objective is to demonstrate to the inhabitants that there is another possible way of farming that will lessen the negative effects on the environment.

In order to carry out this project, Phoenix Voyages has dedicated part of its contribution to the renovation of the hen house carried out by the inhabitants of Ngoi Tu. This first stage, characterized by the combination of livestock farming and cultivation of fruits, has made it possible to establish a virtuous circle with one feeding the others (fruits, not edible to man, feeds the hens and manure from the hens cultivates the trees).

Since its creation, the Phoenix Voyages Group has always taken to heart its involvement in the economic and social development of its destinations and their inhabitants. The concepts of sharing and exchange are part of its fundamental principles. Through its foundation, the group supports numerous social, cultural and environmental projects most often carried out by NGOs in each of its destinations.

To discover the other projects that we support through the foundation, please visit our website page: .